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Postmortem – A board mattress – Postmortem cleaning

The only son didn't want to make an issue of his father's conditions. His father had been dead on his mattress for almost 10 days and lived in the office where he ran a real estate agency. The place had to be cleaned as quickly as possible, as there were other rooms in the building. On the floor next to a huge table were about five large wooden boards and there were empty wine bottles next to them. In the same environment there was a huge amount of paper and a mountain of cardboard boxes with documents.

In the bathroom there were a dozen dirty dishes and therefore it was unusable. It smelled bad, the pans and pots were covered in a layer of maggots.

Usually when the Attuale Brasil team enters a place where someone has died (unnoticed), we feel something. We are always struck by a mixture of sadness, loneliness and despair. It is not our feelings but those of the deceased that are still hanging in the air. A heavy feeling pressing in the chest. You know it's there, but you can't see it or touch it, like cold or heat.

Judging by the unsanitary nature of the place, the deceased, probably due to his state of health and poor hygiene, was in isolation. Much drinking was consumed.

He finally died on a dirty floor, and his bed were signs that he hung up when someone requested his services. Although it was a very sad sight, the owner of the property hired us to have the place completely cleaned and emptied.

The 18th-century philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said: “Accident forces us to turn within ourselves, and this is perhaps the most unbearable thing for most people. “We are all going through a difficult time. Many people live in sadness and loneliness.

When everything and everyone looks at you for what you have and not for who you are, things get out of hand. He couldn't pay rent for a common property, so he slept and lived in his office. If you lose because of alcohol or drugs (medicines) combined with depression, there will be nothing left to support. The only company he had disappears, his children ignore him, only death is the real visit.

That's why, now more than ever, we have to be helping each other, so we don't lose each other and ourselves. Literally and figuratively.

Depression and loneliness is something we must combat, before death arrives!


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