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Air Conditioning Duct Hygienization

Robotic Mechanical Cleaning of Air Ducts and Internal and External Pipes.

Attuale Brasil has the most modern equipment and products for cleaning air ducts, thus ensuring efficient work without damage or risk to equipment. We carry out professional cleaning of the air ducts with the removal of the most difficult dirt.

What is it and why do I need it

Duct cleaning?

The method used for Cleaning Ducts (Acclimatization System) in private and public buildings complies with the procedures provided for in specialized legislation on the subject, such as Ordinance No. 3.523/1998 of the Ministry of Health, Resolution No. do Ar) and NBR 14679/2001 from ABNT – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards.
The robot with long-range rotating brushes performs the internal brushing of the ducts, removing the dirt present, and the simultaneous vacuuming, performed by high-efficiency suction equipment. The process is monitored and recorded through the robotic and computerized system. Duct Cleaning brings numerous benefits to the air in your environment, safety for its occupants and improvement in air quality.

What are the benefits for my company?

– Improved indoor air quality, preventing the concentration of mites, fungi, mold and bacteria;

– Preservation of the performance and proper functioning of the system;

– Assistance in extending the useful life of the system;

– Possible lawsuits by people who are affected by poor air quality in the building;

– Reduction in energy consumption;

– Regularization meeting the requirement of Ordinance GM/MS No. 3,523;

– Promotion of better air quality, avoiding respiratory diseases and financial problems caused by employees on sick leave.
