Contact us

SP (11) 98789-3692

RJ (21) 99660-3478

BH (31) 99843-0196

SC (48) 99223-7682

Crime Scene Cleanup

At the end of the 1980s, the Crime Scene cleaning industry was born in the USA.

But many times it's not crimes we clean up but sites of suicides, natural deaths and decay.

In Brazil, ATTUALE was the first to carry out this type of service. We are beyond cleaning and removing toxic and biological waste from these situations.

 We work on cleaning and total recovery of the affected area, cleaning, restoring and even renovating.

With a qualified team, we have experience in leaving the site fully recovered at each stage.

As a pioneer in the field of forensic cleaning, we are ready to fully recover and restore any environment. We also work with cleaning followed by renovation of the site, delivering the environment ready for the customer.
