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Hygienisation and disinfection in supermarkets

It was with consumers in mind that a Law on cleaning and sanitation From carts and shopping baskets, it is in effect from October 3, 2017 to law 13,486, the law that obliges supermarkets throughout Brazil to follow this procedure.

But that's not what we see is it? The law even exists, but has never been used or put into practice by health authorities.

It was only in 2020 that we started to see some supermarkets “Hygiene” their shopping carts and baskets because of the pandemic caused by COVID-19.

But let's go! Is the service actually running correctly?

We observed 30 supermarkets in the city of São Paulo and on the coast, and of the 30, only 1 saw something that could be said to be safe.

We observed an employee with a temperature measuring device at the door of a famous supermarket and in the other hand a cloth like those that must be washed and then used again.

It turns out that that employee without using a glove and with that same cloth sprinkles an amount of alcohol on the cart and then passes that cloth that hundreds of times will “clean” the next cart.

It gives a tremendous sense of security but there is nothing insurance, those bacteria are going to shop in the next cart.

In Brazil everything is so improvised, everything is so made up, so, as you can say in clear Portuguese, on the thighs, anyway.

Have you ever wondered how many people put their hands on that cart during the day?

There is research that strollers are a haven for bacteria and have more bacteria than a toilet seat.

It's really a supermarket for bacteria like Staphylococcus, E-coli and Salmonella, bacteria that cause diarrhea, dysentery, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, among other miscellaneous symptoms.

Supermarket trolleys take an unwanted and invisible passenger and it's not just one.

Maybe the pandemic generated by Covid-19 leaves a reflection and the need to increase hygiene and entrepreneurs and consumers need to change their habits, something that will still take a long time.

On the one hand, supermarkets do not want cleaning costs, this has already been observed and, on the other hand, it will be difficult to explain that diseases arise due to lack of cleaning, basic sanitation, hand washing and especially information.

And in Brazil, many shops were closed during the pandemic, except supermarkets, so for everyone's health and safety, this activity should be concerned with really cleaning their carts.

The law was only created for one simple reason: supermarket trolleys are the objects supplied to customers most contaminated by bacteria.


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